McKinstry is Using Augmented Reality Technology to Boost Installation and Service

McKinstry - For the Life of Your Building

As digital technology continues to transform the field service industry, we are seeing brands operating in the space becoming increasingly innovative in their application of various tech-powered devices and concepts.

From AI and the internet of things making predictive maintenance possible to advanced scheduling and dispatch software streamlining workflows and boosting efficiencies back at the office, digital technology is supercharging customer experience and making the workload of field service providers easier to manage and the source of far fewer headaches than ever before.

One of the more exciting technologies being deployed by digitally savvy field service providers is augmented reality. With this technology on hand, field service providers can achieve better training and a superior customer experience, while making field work simpler and safer as well.

Augmented Reality

AR technology first came to public prominence when a certain mobile game featuring certain collectable Japanese monsters came to prominence way back in 2016. The technology had been finding niche use long before that, but usually in similar novelty applications such a smartphone apps and other distractions.

However, in recent years developers have woken up to the numerous ways AR technology can be deployed in a professional setting and used to streamline workflows, assist on the job training, and so much more besides.

In field service provision, engineers can wear AR powered goggles when attending a job. The technology in these goggles can superimpose schematics and other vital information directly onto real world assets and help guide engineers to the components which need repairing or replacing. Once the part has been located, additional information such as technical manuals can be displayed to offer further assistance with the job.

Not only does this technology make life easier for experienced technicians, but it can also help bring new employees up to speed – without the need for another engineer to be breathing down their necks. If the apprentice requires additional guidance the goggles can be equipped with mobile communication technology which can connect them to another technician for assistance.

AR technology can also negate the need to send an engineer out altogether in some cases. If the client has a set of goggles, your office team can guide them through the process of fixing simple issues themselves. This helps boost engagement between the field service provider and their clients and reduces the disruption caused by having an engineer pay them a visit.


Responsible for designing, building, optimizing, and maintaining high-performing facilities and energy assets, McKinstry has been discovering the power of AR technology at every level of its operation and has recently been recognized for its application of the tech.

In January 2022, McKinsey was awarded the inaugural "AEC Use Case of the Year" award at Microsoft’s annual North America HoloLens Industry Summit for its work applying an AR solution on the University of Washington – School of Medicine–Gonzaga University Regional Health Partnership’s medical and health education, research and innovation center project in Spokane, Wash.

The technology was used to accelerate the installation of approximately 10,000 pipe hangers. Under traditional methods, engineers must make countless mathematical calculations in their heads to assess locations and lengths of the hangers that they will measure, cut, and place for the project. However, AR technology processes the BIM, calculates hanger length, and displays exactly where the hangers should go as contextual information overlaid on the work area — all without the installer having to take their eyes off the task to look down at line drawings.

McKinstry estimates that the use of AR on this project resulted in a time saving of 40%, and will no doubt be relying on the technology for the ongoing development and maintenance this and other assets it’s responsible for.

"When you think about our Action for Impact plan, this project covers all the bases," said McKinstry’s Director of Product Management in Construction, Dace Campbell. "By eliminating dependence on paper drawings, we are reducing jobsite waste, supporting sustainability. By increasing the efficiency of the process, we are improving the affordability of the project. And by enabling young apprentices to access the model to perform the work, we are making gains for equity on this project."

Final Thoughts

Augmented reality technology has the potential to solve the issue of skills transfer in field service and make the business of on-site repair and maintenance more streamlined and efficient than ever before. With brands such as McKinstry scooping up awards for AR applications it can only mean bigger things for the technology in the future.

You can hear McKinstry’s VP & General Manager – Service, Adam Gloss speak at Field Service Connect 2022, taking place in November at the Hyatt Regency Austin, TX.

Download the agenda today for more information and insights.